Nature & Geography | The Canadian Encyclopedia

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    Persistent Organic Pollutants

    Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) are carbon-based chemical compounds or groups of chemical compounds of anthropogenic (resulting from human activities) origin that are biologically and chemically inert.

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    Substances used to control pests include insecticides (for control of insects), fungicides (for disease-causing fungi), herbicides (for weeds), rodenticides (for rodents), avicides (for birds), piscicides (for fish) and nematicides (for nematodes).

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      The phalarope (family Scolopacidae) is a sandpiperlike shorebird, highly specialized for aquatic life. Only 3 species are found worldwide and all occur in Canada.

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    Pheasant is the common name of birds in the family Phasianidae.

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    Tall, vibrantly coloured summer-flowering phlox, derived from eastern North American P. paniculata, one of the most popular garden perennials in Canada, is often used for island beds or as border plants.

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    Physiographic Regions

    Canada may be divided into seven physiographic regions. The Canadian Shield is the largest and oldest of these regions. The other six physiographic regions are younger and form two concentric rings around the Canadian Shield. The outer, older ring contains the Western Cordillera, Canadian Arctic and Appalachian Region. The second, younger ring contains the Interior Plains, Hudson Bay Lowlands and the St. Lawrence Lowlands. These regions may be further sub-divided based on their structure, relief and the presence or absence of permafrost and forest cover (see Natural Regions). Areas quoted for these regions are the land areas and do not include adjacent continental shelves or bodies of ocean water within Canada's territorial limits. Readers should also note that the abbreviation “masl” stands for “metres above sea level.”

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    Pickerel, common name for 3 closely related carnivorous, soft-rayed freshwater fishes in the pike family (Esocidae).

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    The pigeon (Columbidae) is a large family (303 species) of birds, many of which are called doves, distributed throughout temperate and tropical areas worldwide.

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    Pika is a common name for the smallest members of the order Lagomorpha, which also includes rabbits and hares.

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    Pike is the common name for the group of 5 species of predaceous freshwater fish with elongated snouts, sharp teeth, cylindrical bodies and forked tails, belonging to family Esocidae, order Esociformes, class Actinopterygii.

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    Most are either "soft" pines with 5 needles per shoot or "hard" pines with 2-3 per shoot. The most familiar soft pines are western white pine (P. monticola) of BC, and eastern white pine (P. strobus), east of Manitoba. Others include limber pine (P. flexilis) and whitebark pine (P.

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     A pingo is an ice-cored hill typically conical in shape, growing and persisting only in PERMAFROST. The word "pingo" is of Inuit origin and was first used in the English-language literature by the botanist Alf E.

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    Pipit is the common name for some birds of the family Motacillidae, which also includes wagtails.

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    Pitcher Plant

    Tropical Asian and N Australian pitcher plants of the genus Nepenthes belong to the family Nepenthaceae. The Australian flycatcher (Cephalotus follicularis) of SW Australia is the only species of the family Cephalotaceae.

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    Planet and Satellite

    The diameter of a world is a significant value because, given the same densities, the surface gravity will vary roughly with the diameter. A diameter of 350 km is the approximate dividing line between the larger, near-spherical bodies and the smaller objects of irregular shape.

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