
Alexander Thomas Cameron

Alexander Thomas Cameron, biochemist (b at London, Eng 1882; d at Winnipeg 25 Sept 1947). Educated in chemistry at University of Edinburgh, Cameron came to University of Manitoba as lecturer of physiology and remained there (except for WWI service in France) until his death.

Alexander Thomas Cameron

Alexander Thomas Cameron, biochemist (b at London, Eng 1882; d at Winnipeg 25 Sept 1947). Educated in chemistry at University of Edinburgh, Cameron came to University of Manitoba as lecturer of physiology and remained there (except for WWI service in France) until his death. When biochemistry was separated from physiology in 1923, he became head of the new department. His work on the distribution of iodine in plants and animals led to many contributions in the developing field of endocrinology, especially thyroid and parathyroid gland biochemistry. The award of the DSc in 1925 by the University of Edinburgh recognized his work on iodine biochemistry. He authored a once widely used textbook of biochemistry and other books. His interest in oceanography, stemming from his research on iodine, culminated in his chairmanship of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada (1934-47).