Monique Bosco, author (born at Vienna, Austria 1927, died at Montréal, 17 May 2007). She completed her studies in France and immigrated to Canada in 1948, where she obtained a doctorate with a thesis titled L'Isolement dans le roman canadien-français (Isolation in the French Canadian Novel) (1953). She worked as a journalist-reporter in Montréal (Radio-Canada International, 1949-1952), a publicist (1952-1959), a researcher (National Film Board, 1960-1962), a columnist (La Presse, 1961-1976; Le Devoir, 1962; Maclean's, 1963-1969), and she began teaching literature at the U de Montréal in 1962. At the same time, she continued to work as a poet (Jéricho, 1971; Miserere 77-90, 1991; Lamento 90-97, 1997; Confiteor, 1998), short story writer, (Boomerang, 1987; Clichés, 1988; Remémoration, 1991; Éphémères, 1993) and novelist (Un amour maladroit, 1961; Les infusoires, 1965; La femme de Loth, 1971, Governor general's award; New Medea, 1974).
Obsessed by themes of solitude and incommunication, Monique Bosco systematically presented, in works that combined prose and poetry, the "divided beings of the world" - according to the expression of essayist Paulette Collet - suffering from painful feelings of isolation, rejection, rebellion and guilt. However, the characters in her mature novels express hope and possible deliverance, reaching out towards virtual liberation (Charles Levy, 1977; Schabbat 70-77, 1978; Portrait de Zeus peint par Minerve, 1982; Sara Sage, 1986; Le jeu des sept familles, 1995).