- . "Thomas Majoros ". The Canadian Encyclopedia, 03 August 2022, Historica Canada. development.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/mpsb-thomas-majoros. Accessed 25 November 2024.
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- (2022). Thomas Majoros . In The Canadian Encyclopedia. Retrieved from https://development.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/mpsb-thomas-majoros
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- . "Thomas Majoros ." The Canadian Encyclopedia. Historica Canada. Article published August 03, 2022; Last Edited August 03, 2022.
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- The Canadian Encyclopedia, s.v. "Thomas Majoros ," by , Accessed November 25, 2024, https://development.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/mpsb-thomas-majoros
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Thomas Majoros
Published Online August 3, 2022
Last Edited August 3, 2022
I worked in a kitchen and they were shipping people away, had about 1100 men out there, training bombing and gunnery. And they picked five of us to go down to the train to Halifax or wherever, I forget now, in case somebody got sick, we’d take their place, you see. So I went down three times. Nobody got sick. So I wanted to go overseas, I had enough time spent out on an island.
So I had to scheme my way out. A little bit of psychology. I was working in the kitchen. I was peeling potatoes, but in a tub, sandpaper and all, you know, you poured the bag of potatoes in, turn a button on and keep going and it cleans them off nice and round. I figured the only way I could get out of here is use a little bit of psychology. The dietitian was there, I talked to her and I accidentally forgot about the potatoes. The potatoes were the size of marbles when we got through talking. So they shipped me out of there.
Anyway, I got to England, to the base post office there where all the mail goes. And they held me there for a while, a little too long. And the Germans were still dropping their doodlebugs [V-rockets], so called. So I had to scheme my way out of there. The sergeant major and myself, guys called me major because my name is Majoros. And I says, “Well call me from that corner where you’re standing and he’ll answer first, and I’m going to say, ‘Not you, him,’ or you’re going to say, ‘Not you, him.’” So he got angry about that and put me in a vault where they just send the newspaper out to everybody.
So I found out that his girlfriend was next to me. So what better deal, dated her for a movie, he shipped me overseas! But that’s how I got over to Belgium.
London was sending stuff over to me in Brussels, just outside, a place called Lot. And we distributed either by hand or by truck or by plane. Sometimes we had to drop it by parachute. We had to wait, wait and wait for the plane to come from England. We could sit there almost half a day or more just waiting for the plane to come in. Yeah, everything sorted out right to the right place. We had a list of where everybody was. That’s how I found my buddy. He was with the engineers, I found out where he was and I found him.
I passed the word along from the truck, with the truck drivers, passed the word along that I’m looking for him. And finally, they got a hold of him, telling him that we should meet at this, what do they call it, all nations place, club like. And there we got thrown out. He started a fight, they threw us out, we were cleaning the house up. But it was fun.