Colonial | The Canadian Encyclopedia

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    Sir John Johnson

    Sir John Johnson, soldier, Loyalist, public servant (b at Mohawk Valley, NY 5 Nov 1742; d at Mount Johnson, near Montréal 4 Jan 1830). He was the son of Sir William JOHNSON and heir to the Johnson family's massive Mohawk Valley estates.

    "" // resources/views/front/categories/view.blade.php Sir John Johnson
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    William Hamilton Merritt

    William Hamilton Merritt, soldier, businessman, politician (b at Bedford, NY 3 July 1793; d at Cornwall, Canada W 5 July 1862). "A Projector," as he styled himself, he epitomized what John Beverley ROBINSON called the defining characteristic of American society, the "anticipating spirit.

    "" // resources/views/front/categories/view.blade.php William Hamilton Merritt