Boundaries & Geographical Names | The Canadian Encyclopedia

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    Arctic Circle

    The Arctic Circle is a parallel or line of latitude at approximately 66°33’ N that marks the border of the Arctic, the northernmost region of Earth. The geographic point at the centre of Arctic Circle is the North Pole. In Canada, communities located close to this cartographic boundary include Old Crow in the Yukon, Fort McPherson in the Northwest Territories, and Repulse Bay and Qikiqtarjuaq in Nunavut. The latitude of the Arctic Circle shifts slightly depending on the tilt of the Earth’s rotational axis.

    "" // resources/views/front/categories/view.blade.php Arctic Circle
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    In strictly geographic terms, the North refers to the immense hinterland of Canada that lies beyond the narrow strip of the country in which most Canadians live and work, but generally refers to the Northwest Territories, the Yukon and Nunavut.

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    North Pole

    The North Pole did not become a goal of ARCTIC EXPLORATION until fairly late; the few early expeditions that tried to reach it were looking for a polar route to the East rather than for the pole itself. W.E.

    "" // resources/views/front/categories/view.blade.php North Pole
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    Northwest Passage

    The Northwest Passage is a sea corridor through Canada's Arctic archipelago and along the northern coast of North America. European explorers searched in vain for the passage for 300 years, intent on finding a commercially viable western sea route between Europe and Asia.

    "" // resources/views/front/categories/view.blade.php Northwest Passage
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    Strait of Anian

    Strait of Anian, part of the legendary Northwest Passage linking the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, likely Bering Strait.

    "" // resources/views/front/categories/view.blade.php Strait of Anian
  • Editorial

    The Northwest Passage: From Myth to Reality

    The following article is an editorial written by The Canadian Encyclopedia staff. Editorials are not usually updated.

    "" // resources/views/front/categories/view.blade.php The Northwest Passage: From Myth to Reality