Ships | The Canadian Encyclopedia

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    CGS / HMCS Canada

    Canada’s first purpose-built warship, the Canadian Government Ship (CGS) Canada, was launched in 1904, several years before the Naval Service of Canada was established in 1910. However, it was not the first ship commissioned into the navy (see HMCS Niobe and HMCS Rainbow). Canada was delivered to the Fisheries Protection Service before the Canadian navy existed. But from the time it was ordered, it was intended for a military function. Canada was commissioned into the Royal Canadian Navy in 1915 and served as an antisubmarine patrol vessel during the First World War. The ship was retired in 1920 and sank in 1926 in the Florida Keys. Its wreck is a designated element of the US Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary.  

    "" // resources/views/front/categories/view.blade.php CGS / HMCS Canada
  • Memory Project Archive

    Earle Wagner (Primary Source)

    TranscriptIn 1939, I completed school, but learning continued. In 1940 my application to join the navy as a boy seaman was rejected. But 12 February, 1941, I joined the Merchant Navy as a seaman aboard the motor vessel [SS] Reginolite, carrying oil between North and South America. In the spring of 1942, as able bodied seaman aboard the Reginolite, sailing alone along the Atlantic east coast, in one day, I counted 14 Allied ships sunk...

    "" // resources/views/front/categories/view.blade.php Earle Wagner (Primary Source)
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    Niobe Day

    Since 2014, Niobe Day has been celebrated every year on 21 October by the Royal Canadian Navy. It commemorates the entrance of HMCS Niobe, one of Canada’s first two warships, into Halifax Harbour on 21 October 1910. Niobe, which had been purchased from Britain, was the first Canadian warship to enter Canadian territorial waters. Before 2014, the Canadian navy marked Trafalgar Day every 21 October in commemoration of the British victory at the Battle of Trafalgar (1805).

    " Niobe entering Halifax on Trafalgar Day 1910.jpg" // resources/views/front/categories/view.blade.php Niobe entering Halifax on Trafalgar Day 1910.jpg Niobe Day
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    Royal Canadian Naval Air Branch

    The Royal Canadian Naval Air Branch was established in 1945 and disbanded upon unification of the Canadian Armed Forces in 1968.  During that period, the Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) operated a succession of three aircraft carriers: HMC Ships Warrior, Magnificent and Bonaventure.  The ability to exercise air power at sea was fundamental to the RCN’s core role of anti-submarine warfare (ASW) against the Cold War Soviet submarine fleet. As the nature of that threat evolved, the RCN Air Branch underwent a nearly continuous process of adaptation to incorporate new equipment and tactics, with increasingly higher performance aircraft and supporting equipment.

    "" // resources/views/front/categories/view.blade.php Royal Canadian Naval Air Branch