Provincial Institutions and Offices | The Canadian Encyclopedia

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    British Columbia Research Council

    British Columbia Research Council, formerly a nonprofit society incorporated in 1944 to provide facilities for technological research and industrial development in BC. BC Research, a technical wing of the council, comprised scientific, engineering and technical laboratory facilities.

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    Bureaucracy may be defined as a formal organizational arrangement characterized by division of labour, specialization of functions, a hierarchy of authority and a system of rules, regulations and record keeping. In common usage, it refers to the administrative branch of government.

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    Bureaucracy and Formal Organization

    The term bureaucracy is traditionally associated with the administration of government and its various agencies.

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    Canada West

    In 1841, Britain united the colonies of Upper and Lower Canada into the Province of Canada. This was in response to the violent rebellions of 1837–38. The Durham Report (1839) laid out the guidelines to create the new colony with the Act of Union in 1840. The Province of Canada was made up of Canada West (formerly Upper Canada) and Canada East (formerly Lower Canada). The two regions were governed jointly until Confederation in 1867. Canada West then became Ontario and Canada East became Quebec.

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    Deputy Minister

    A deputy minister is generally an officer of the public service appointed as managerial and administrative head of a department or ministry of the federal or provincial governments.

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    Ministère des Affaires culturelles du Québec

    Ministère des Affaires culturelles du Québec (MACQ). The Act creating the Quebec Ministry of Cultural Affairs to 'favour and promote the specific cultural character of Quebec in the fields of arts, letters, and heritage'.

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    National Assembly

    The National Assembly (Assemblée Nationale) is the unicameral provincial legislature of Québec.

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    Nationalist League

     The Nationalist League, founded in Montréal 1 March 1903, during renewed British IMPERIALISM, increased anglophone aggressiveness towards Francophones and growing Canadian INDUSTRIALIZATION.

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    Office québécois de la langue française

    Created in 1961, the Office québécois de la langue française is a Québec public institution responsible for linguistic officialization, terminological recommendations and the francization of the language of work in both the public and the private sectors. Since 1977, it has been responsible for ensuring that the Charte de la langue française is complied with in Québec, and for monitoring the province’s language situation.

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    Province House - Halifax

    Province House, Halifax, built between 1811 and 1818 to house Parliament, the courts and the public service of Nova Scotia.

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    Province House, Charlottetown

    ​Province House in Charlottetown is the home of Prince Edward Island's Legislative Assembly.

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    Saskatchewan Electoral Boundaries (Reference)

    The reference on Saskatchewan electoral boundaries (1991) comprised an important decision by the Supreme Court on the right to vote as set out in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

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    Social Credit

    Social Credit is the name of a conservative political movement in Canada that was especially successful in British Columbia and Alberta, governing those provinces for lengthy periods of the 20th Century.

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    Taschereau Legal Dynasty

    Spanning 3 centuries and 2 legal cultures, the Taschereau family perpetuated itself, along with several other groups, as a core constituent in Québec's law-making institutions.

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    Territorial Government in Canada

    Under Canada’s federal system, the powers of government are shared between the federal government, provincial governments and territorial governments. The territories — Northwest Territories, Nunavut and Yukon — are governed by their respective governments. They receive their legislative authority (the ability to create laws) from the federal government. Ottawa has given territorial governments authority over public education, health and social services; as well as the administration of justice and municipal government. More and more of these powers have been handed down from the federal government in a process called devolution. Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada is the federal ministry responsible for the territories.

    "" // resources/views/front/categories/view.blade.php Territorial Government in Canada