Health & Medicine | The Canadian Encyclopedia

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    Nonmedical Drug Use

    Drug Use, NonmedicalAlthough drug use generally refers to the nonmedical use of psychotropic (mind-affecting) drugs - eg, cannabis (marijuana and hashish) - opiate narcotics (eg, heroin and morphine), amphetamines, cocaine, hallucinogens (eg, LSD, psilocybin and mescaline) and volatile solvents (including certain fast-drying glues, fingernail-polish removers and petroleum products), most drug-related problems in Canada derive from use of alcohol and tobacco. While some of these drugs have legitimate medical uses, their social use is generally considered...

    "" // resources/views/front/categories/view.blade.php Nonmedical Drug Use
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    Marie Rollet Hébert [Hubou] has been credited with being the first person in what is now Canada to provide nursing care to the sick. The wife of Louis HÉBERT, a surgeon-apothecary, she arrived in Québec in 1617 and assisted her husband in caring for the sick.

    "" // resources/views/front/categories/view.blade.php Nursing
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    Occupational Diseases

    Occupational diseases are disorders of health resulting from conditions related to the workplace. They are distinguished from occupational injuries, which are disorders resulting from trauma such as strains or sprains, lacerations, burns or soft-tissue injuries such as bruises.

    "" // resources/views/front/categories/view.blade.php Occupational Diseases
  • Macleans

    Olestra Controversy

    This article was originally published in Maclean’s magazine on February 5, 1996. Partner content is not updated. Pass the potato chips. Olestra, a new synthetic food oil with zero calories, is promising to take the fat - and the guilt - out of greasy junk food. "This is something people really want," says Chris Hassall, a senior scientist with Cincinnati-based Procter & Gamble Co.

    "" // resources/views/front/categories/view.blade.php Olestra Controversy
  • Macleans

    Olivieri Medical Dispute Settled

    This article was originally published in Maclean’s magazine on February 8, 1999. Partner content is not updated. On all sides, the relief was obvious. Last week, the poisonous, 2 ½-year feud that pitted internationally acclaimed blood researcher Dr. Nancy Olivieri against the prestige and power of Toronto's Hospital for Sick Children ended in a face-saving compromise.

    "" // resources/views/front/categories/view.blade.php Olivieri Medical Dispute Settled
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    Ophthalmology is the medical specialty concerned with the eyes and their relationship to the body.

    "" // resources/views/front/categories/view.blade.php Ophthalmology
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    Opting-Out originated as a device by which one or more provinces choose not to participate in a federal-provincial shared cost program; instead the province receives direct payment (in cash or tax room) of funds which would have been spent there.

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    Optometry [Gk optos, "visible" and metron, "measure"] is the profession of examining eyes for faults of refraction, ocular mobility and visual perception and of the treatment of abnormal conditions with correctional lenses and orthoptics.

    "" // resources/views/front/categories/view.blade.php Optometry
  • Macleans

    'Organic' Food Label Questioned

    While working as an independent organic food inspector, Mischa Popoff says he felt like "a police officer without a billy club or handcuffs.This article was originally published in Maclean's Magazine on September 10, 2007

    "" // resources/views/front/categories/view.blade.php 'Organic' Food Label Questioned
  • Macleans

    Osteoporosis Breakthrough

    In the spring of 1997, William Boyle, a microbiologist at Amgen Inc., a drug company based near Los Angeles, placed a telephone call to Dr. Josef Penninger, an immunologist at the firm's Toronto offshoot, the Amgen Research Institute.This article was originally published in Maclean's Magazine on February 8, 1999

    "" // resources/views/front/categories/view.blade.php Osteoporosis Breakthrough
  • Macleans

    Ottawa takes on reproductive technology

    The new federal law on reproductive technology tabled last week was a long time coming. A royal commission studied the subject exhaustively from 1989 to 1993.This article was originally published in Maclean's Magazine on May 20, 2002

    "" // resources/views/front/categories/view.blade.php Ottawa takes on reproductive technology
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    Pandemics in Canada

    A pandemic is an outbreak of an infectious disease that affects a large proportion of the population in multiple countries or worldwide. Human populations have been affected by pandemics since ancient times. These include widespread outbreaks of plague, cholera, influenza and, more recently, HIV/AIDS and COVID-19. In order to slow or stop the spread of disease, governments implement public health measures that include testing, isolation and quarantine. In Canada, public health agencies at the federal, provincial and municipal levels play an important role in monitoring disease, advising governments and communicating to the public. Click here for definitions of key terms used in this article.

    "" // resources/views/front/categories/view.blade.php Pandemics in Canada
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    Parasitology is a branch of biology dealing with organisms (animals or, rarely, plants) which live in or on other species (hosts) from which they derive nourishment.

    "" // resources/views/front/categories/view.blade.php Parasitology
  • Macleans

    Parkinson's Disease a Mystery

    A doctor's diagnosis can land like a punch in the solar plexus: you have Parkinson's disease. Chronic, progressive and incurable. In the life-altering reverberations that follow come the questions.This article was originally published in Maclean's Magazine on April 29, 2002

    "" // resources/views/front/categories/view.blade.php Parkinson's Disease a Mystery
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    Pediatrics is that branch of MEDICINE concerned with the child, its development, care and diseases.

    "" // resources/views/front/categories/view.blade.php Pediatrics