Weights & Measures | The Canadian Encyclopedia

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    Arpent, a French measure of length and area. Numerous regional variants of the arpent coexisted in 17th-century France; of these, the arpent de Paris came into use in Canada before 1636 as part of a system of measures. The arpent de superficie, or square arpent (equivalent to 0.

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    Clocks and Watches

    The manufacture of clocks and watches in Canada may have begun as early as 1700; however, practising watch and clockmakers through the 18th and much of the 19th centuries did not make the movements.

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    Early French Measurement

    Early French Measurement French Unit English Equivalent Metric Equivalent pied 1.066 feet .325 m toise (6 pieds) 6.40 feet 1.95 m perche (3 toises) 19.18 feet 5.85 m arpent (10 perches) 191.8 feet 58.5 m lieue (84 arpents) 3.05 miles 4.91 km For more information see the article weights & measures.

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    Forty-ninth Parallel

    The forty-ninth parallel is the line of latitude that forms the boundary between Canada and the US from Lake of the Woods to the Strait of Georgia.

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  • Editorial

    History of the Canada-US Border in the West

    The following article is an editorial written by The Canadian Encyclopedia staff. Editorials are not usually updated. In December 2001, U.S. Attorney-General John Ashcroft announced plans to deploy military personnel to patrol the Canada-U.S. border. After September 11, Ashcroft criticized Canada's porous border, though there was no evidence that any of the terrorists, all holding legal U.S. visas, came through Canada. It was not the first time that the longest undefended, and perhaps indefensible, border in the world was contentious.

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    International Polar Year

    International Polar Year (IPY), 1882-83, was the first worldwide co-ordinated scientific enterprise and the most significant single event in the founding of the science of geophysics.

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    Invention of Standard Time

    The following article is an editorial written by The Canadian Encyclopedia staff. Editorials are not usually updated.

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    Metric Conversion

    Metric conversion was the process of making metric units — such as metre, kilogram and degree Celsius — the common units of measurement in Canada, leaving the British imperial system (with units such as yard, gallon and pound) behind. The process was fraught with political interference and public resistance, and took place incrementally between 1970 and the early 1980s. Despite the shift, many Canadians still express certain measurements in imperial units, such as height (feet and inches).

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    SI Prefixes

    SI Prefixes Factor Prefix Symbol 10¹ deca da 10² hecto h 10³ kilo k 106 mega M 109 giga G 1012 tera T 1015 peta P 1018 exa E 10-1 deci d 10-2 centi c 10-3 milli m 10-6 micro m 10-9 nano n 10-12 pico p 10-15 femto f 10-18 atto a For more information see the article WEIGHTS & MEASURES.

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    Some SI-derived Units with Special Names

    Some SI-derived Units with Special Names Some SI-derived Units with Special Names Quantity Unit (Symbol) Derivation Mechanical force Newton (N) (m kg)/s² pressure pascal (Pa) N/m² energy, work joule (J) N m power watt (W) J/s frequency hertz (Hz) cycles/s Electrical electrical potential volt (V) W/A electrical resistance ohm <W > V/A electrical charge coulomb (C) A s electrical capacitance farad (F) C/V magnetic flux weber (Wb) V s magnetic flux density tesla (T) Wb/m²...

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    Weights and Measures

    Weights and measures are terms which traditionally referred to standards of mass (or weight), length and volume. Over the past few thousand years such standards have frequently been introduced throughout the world for trading and tax purposes.

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    Weights and Measures: Table

    Weights and Measures: Table Weights and Measures: Table Some Non-SI Units Used in North America Unit Definition SI Value LENGTH nautical mile air & sea measure¹ 1.852 km furlong 220 yd 201.2 m mile 1760 yd 1.609 km arpent 180 Paris feet 58.47 m yard 3 feet 0.9144 m foot 12 inches 0.3048 m inch 1/36 yard 25.4 mm  AREA acre (survey) 4840 sq yards (survey) 4047 m2 acre (commercial) 4000 sq yards (commercial) 3344.51...

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