Interview with Ian Fisher (Arthur Walwyn)
Arthur Walwyn, a flying officer with the Royal Air Force, while on leave in England.
Arthur Walwyn, a flying officer with the Royal Air Force, while on leave in England.
Top: Arthur (left) and his siblings Pearce and (bottom row) Frances and William, before they left for war. Willam and Frances Walwyn also have profiles in the Memory Project Digital Archive.
Top: Arthur (left) and his siblings Pearce and (bottom row) Frances and William, before they left for war. Willam and Frances Walwyn also have profiles in the Memory Project Digital Archive.
Armistice Day on the Strand in London, England.
Armistice Day on the Strand in London, England.
Arthur and his sister Frances while in England. Frances Marion Walwyn served as a nurse in England during World War I.
Arthur and his sister Frances while in England. Frances Marion Walwyn served as a nurse in England during World War I.
Arthur in one of the RAF's planes. Although a member of the Air Force, Arthur managed to catch trench fever and end up in the Prince of Wales Hospital in England.
Arthur in one of the RAF's planes. Although a member of the Air Force, Arthur managed to catch trench fever and end up in the Prince of Wales Hospital in England.
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