Bennett Horne (source primaire) | l'Encyclopédie Canadienne

Project Mémoire

Bennett Horne (source primaire)

Ce témoignage fait partie de l’archive du Projet mémoire

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Bennett John Horne in the uniform of the Canadian Expeditionary Force.  Collection courtesy of Michelle White.
Bennett John Horne in the uniform of the Canadian Expeditionary Force. Collection courtesy of Michelle White.
Bennett John Horne in the uniform of the Canadian Expeditionary Force. Collection courtesy of Michelle White.
Bennett John Horne in the uniform of the Canadian Expeditionary Force. Collection courtesy of Michelle White.
Bennett Horne's name is commemorated on the Menin Gate war memorial near Ypres, Belgium.
Bennett Horne's name is commemorated on the Menin Gate war memorial near Ypres, Belgium.
Bennett Horne's name is commemorated on the Menin Gate war memorial near Ypres, Belgium.
Bennett Horne's name is commemorated on the Menin Gate war memorial near Ypres, Belgium.
The Menin Gate is an impressive memorial to the more than 60,000 soldiers with no known grave.
The Menin Gate is an impressive memorial to the more than 60,000 soldiers with no known grave.
The Menin Gate is an impressive memorial to the more than 60,000 soldiers with no known grave.
The Menin Gate is an impressive memorial to the more than 60,000 soldiers with no known grave.

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