Nature & Geography | The Canadian Encyclopedia

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    Entomology is the branch of zoology dealing with the study of insects, although which organisms are included is open to interpretation.

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    ​The environment is the physical, social and psychological milieu in which humans exist.

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    Environmental Agencies

    Environmental problems may require action by the environmental agencies of governments at 5 levels: international, national, provincial, municipal and Aboriginal.

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    Environmental Movement in Canada

    The environmental movement seeks to protect the natural world and promote sustainable living. It had its beginnings in the conservation efforts of the early 1900s. During this time, conservationists aimed to slow the rapid depletion of Canadian resources in favour of more regulated management. Many scholars divide the evolution of the environmental movement into “waves.” These waves are periods in time easily characterized by certain themes. While the number of waves and their characterization may differ from scholar to scholar, they’re often defined as follows: The first wave focused on conservation; the second, pollution; the third, the professionalization of environmental groups; and the fourth, climate change.

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    Environmental Governance

    Environmental governance is a term used to describe how decisions about the ENVIRONMENT are made and who makes such decisions. It is a broad term that includes the formal and informal institutional arrangements for resource and environment decision-making and management.

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    Environmental Impact Assessment

    Environmental Impact Assessment An environmental impact assessment is a systematic analysis of the potential impacts of proposed development projects on the natural and human environment (seeSOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT), for identifying measures to prevent or minimize impacts prior to major decisions being taken and project commitments made. Legislation Environmental impact assessment (EIA) originated in the United States under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1970 and is now among the most widely practiced ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT tools...

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    Environmental Management

    Successful actions to protect the ENVIRONMENT and conserve natural RESOURCES constitute environmental management.

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    Erosion caused in this case by an intense thunderstorm squall lifting the soil from the fields (photo by Arjen Verkaik, Skyart Productions).This view depicts the eroding badlands and alternating beds of sandstone and shale (photo by Cliff Wallis, courtesy Cottonwood Consultants Ltd.).One of the classic, and disastrous, examples of gravitational erosion (photo by Ken A. Meisner/Take Stock Inc).The prairie dry belt was unwisely opened for homesteading and was struck by successive droughts in the 1920s...

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    An esker is a ridge (Gaelic eiscir, "ridge") of gravel and sand emplaced during glacial melt by the deposition of sediments from meltwater rivers flowing on the ice (channel fills) or beneath a glacier (tunnel fills).

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  • List

    Extinct Animals in Canada

    As of May 2021, 18 animal species once found in Canada are now extinct, according to the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC). The committee’s definition of a wildlife species includes taxonomic categories as well as geographically distinct populations. For example, the Atlantic salmon appears on COSEWIC’s list of at-risk species 15 times, as there are 15 populations of Atlantic salmon in Canada facing different threats to their survival. Similarly, when one of these populations goes extinct — as was the case for Atlantic salmon in Lake Ontario in 1898 — there are specific, cascading effects for the ecosystem that the population belongs to. Communities may lose fishing opportunities and other animals may lose a source of food. Though the Atlantic salmon is an example of a species with populations still observable in the wild, this list of 18 also includes animals that no longer exist anywhere on the planet, such as the sea mink or great auk. The reasons for the extinction of these animals range from overhunting to predation from invasive species to,­ in the case of the Eelgrass limpet, a plight of slime mould.

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  • Editorial

    Extreme Weather and the Canadian Psyche

    The following article is an editorial written by The Canadian Encyclopedia staff. Editorials are not usually updated.

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    Faba Bean

    The faba Bean, or broad bean (Vicia faba or Faba vulgaris), is a legume family member, which is not a true bean but a vetch.

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        The falcon (family Falconidae) is a small to medium-sized predatory bird noted for its swiftness in flight.

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    Most of the world's feldspar is used in glass-making and in the production of ceramics such as wall and floor tiles and sanitaryware. It is also used to produce glazes and enamels and electrical porcelain. Feldspar occurs

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    Fern, common name for a diverse group (division Polypodiophyta) of usually perennial, spore-producing plants with divided, evergreen or deciduous leaves (fronds) arising from slender, horizontal rhizomes (underground stems) or stout, ascending rootstalks.

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