Politics & Law | The Canadian Encyclopedia

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    Official Languages Act (1988)

    The Official Languages Act (1988) consolidates all of the changes made to the Official Languages Act of 1969, providing more detail and making them clearer within a new legislative framework. This version highlights the responsibilities of federal institutions with respect to the official languages (see also Language Policy in Canada). This is the full-length entry about the Official Languages Act of 1988. For a plain language summary, please see The Official Languages Act (1988) (Plain Language Summary).

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    Official Secrets Act

    Official Secrets Act, the most important statute relating to national security, is designed to prohibit and control access to and the disclosure of sensitive government information; offences cover espionage and leakage of government information.

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    Offshore Mineral Rights Reference

    The Supreme Court of Canada, in a decision about the ownership of seabed mineral rights off BC and on the legislative jurisdiction over these rights, decided in 1967 that Parliament, not the BC legislature, owned the territorial seabed adjacent to that province and enjoyed exclusive legislative jurisdiction by virtue of the Constitution Act, 1867 (s91.1A), ie, Parliament's residuary power. Rights in the territorial sea derive from international law and Canada is the sovereign state recognized...

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    Kanesatake Resistance (Oka Crisis)

    The Kanesatake Resistance, also known as the Oka Crisis or the Mohawk Resistance at Kanesatake, was a 78-day standoff (11 July–26 September 1990) between Kanyen'kehà:ka (Mohawk) protesters, Quebec police, the RCMP and the Canadian Army. It took place in the community of Kanesatake, near the Town of Oka, on the north shore of Montreal. Related protests and violence occurred in the Kahnawake reserve, to the south of Montreal. The crisis was sparked by the proposed expansion of a golf course and the development of townhouses on disputed land in Kanesatake that included a Kanyen'kehà:ka burial ground. Tensions were high, particularly after the death of Corporal Marcel Lemay, a Sûreté du Québec police officer. Eventually, the army was called in and the protest ended. The golf course expansion was cancelled, and the land was purchased by the federal government. However, it did not establish the land as a reserve, and there has since been no organized transfer of the land to the Mohawks of Kanesatake. This is the full-length entry about Kanesatake Resistance (Oka Crisis). For a plain-language summary, please see Kanesatake Resistance (Oka Crisis)(Plain-Language Summary).

    "https://d2ttikhf7xbzbs.cloudfront.net/media/new_article_images/OkaCrisis/1990_C_35_7 (003).jpg" // resources/views/front/categories/view.blade.php
    https://d2ttikhf7xbzbs.cloudfront.net/media/new_article_images/OkaCrisis/1990_C_35_7 (003).jpg Kanesatake Resistance (Oka Crisis)
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    Old-Age Pension

    The old-age pension is a government initiative to help Canadians avoid poverty in retirement. It has changed from a strictly anti-poverty measure, that often humiliated the elderly, into an accepted, mainstream aspect of post-work life.

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    Oldman River Society Case

    Several decisions of the Supreme Court relate to environmental protection: Dryden Chemicals, Crown Zellerbach and Friends of the Oldman River Society.

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  • Macleans

    Olson's Faint Hope

    This article was originally published in Maclean’s magazine on August 18, 1997. Partner content is not updated. If there is a benchmark for evil, in the minds of many Canadians it is Clifford Robert Olson. During the last 40 of his 57 years, Olson has been outside the walls of a prison for barely 48 months. But in that short time, he caused incalculable pain, suffering and injury.

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    Omar Khadr Case

    Omar Khadr is a Toronto-born Canadian, captured by American soldiers after a firefight in Afghanistan in 2002, when he was 15 years old. The only minor since the Second World War to be convicted of purported war crimes, Khadr was imprisoned in Guantanamo Bay and Canada for almost 13 years in total. In 2010, the Supreme Court of Canada ruled that Khadr’s detainment violated “the principles of fundamental justice” and “the most basic Canadian standards about the treatment of youth suspects.” Despite repeated attempts by the Canadian government to keep him in prison, Khadr was released on bail in May 2015. In July 2017, he received $10.5 million in compensation from the government for Canada’s role in violating his constitutional rights. In March 2019, an Alberta judge declared that Khadr had completed his war crimes sentence, making him a free man.

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    An ombudsman is an independent officer of the legislature who investigates complaints from the public against administrative action and, if finding the action unfair, recommends a remedy.

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    On to Ottawa Trek and Regina Riot

    In April 1935, about 1,500 residents of federal Unemployment Relief Camps in British Columbia went on strike. They travelled by train and truck to Vancouver to protest poor conditions in the Depression-era camps. After their months-long protest proved futile, they decided to take their fight to Ottawa. On 3 June, more than 1,000 strikers began travelling across the country, riding atop railcars. By the time they reached Regina, they were 2,000 strong. But they were stopped in Regina, where the strike leaders were arrested, resulting in the violent Regina Riot on 1 July 1935.

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  • Macleans

    One dirty hand washes the other

    The slow and painful process of cleaning up a culture of corruptionThis article was originally published in Maclean's Magazine on July 15, 2013

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    Ontario and Confederation

    Ontario became one of the founding members of the Dominion of Canada on 1 July 1867 when it joined New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Québec in Confederation.

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    Ontario Provincial Police

    The Ontario Provincial Police is the third-largest deployed police force in North America, with jurisdiction over all Ontario except in municipalities having their own police.

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    Ontario Schools Question

    The Ontario schools question was the first major schools issue to focus on language rather than religion. In Ontario, French or French-language education remained a contentious issue for nearly a century, from 1890 to 1980, with English-speaking Catholics and Protestants aligned against French-speaking Catholics.

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  • Macleans

    Ontario Slashes Spending

    While it may seem odd for a businessman to criticize austerity measures by a Conservative government, equally unusual was the size and scope of Eves's cost-cutting program. The financial statement, which slashed $6.This article was originally published in Maclean's Magazine on December 11, 1995

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    https://d2ttikhf7xbzbs.cloudfront.net/media/media/4f4ed2b0-1f2e-4f8e-bb51-a183021cbce5.jpg Ontario Slashes Spending