
Writers' Trust Non-Fiction Prize

The Writers' Trust Non-Fiction Prize, awarded by the Writers' Trust of Canada and established in 1997, recognizes Canadian writers of exceptional talent for the year's best work of literary non-fiction. The current prize value is $25 000 and finalists receive $2500 each.

The Writers' Trust Non-Fiction Prize, awarded by the Writers' Trust Of Canada and established in 1997, recognizes Canadian writers of exceptional talent for the year's best work of literary non-fiction. The current prize value is $25 000 and finalists receive $2500 each. The prize winner is announced annually at the Writers' Trust Awards event.

Literary non-fiction includes, among other forms, works of personal or journalistic essays, memoirs, commentary and criticism, both social and political. It also includes history and biography. Works considered for the prize demonstrate a distinctive voice, as well as a persuasive and compelling command of tone, narrative, style and technique.

The winner is selected by a three-member, independent judging panel of writers. The prize is for literary excellence, and the jury selects only books they deem outstanding in this regard. The jury is free to interpret the definition of literary non-fiction and the prize guidelines as they see fit.

To be eligible for the prize books must be English-language, first-edition trade books written by Canadian citizens or permanent residents that are published during the eligibility period set for that year. Translations from other languages into English are eligible and are considered in the year in which the English translation is published. All books must have an ISBN number and be available in Canadian bookstores. Self-published and ghostwritten books are not eligible.

Past recipients of the Writers' Trust Non-Fiction Prize include Modris Eksteins, Erna Paris, Clark Blaise, Elaine Dewar, Anna Porter, Taras Grescoe and Brian Brett.