
Manitoba Music Educators Association/Association manitobaine des éducateurs de musique

Manitoba Music Educators Association (MMEA) / Association manitobaine des éducateurs de musique (AMEM).

Manitoba Music Educators Association/Association manitobaine des éducateurs de musique

Manitoba Music Educators Association (MMEA) / Association manitobaine des éducateurs de musique (AMEM). Founded 10 Oct 1959 in Winnipeg with 36 members drawn from among school and university teachers to provide a liaison among music-education groups in Manitoba and between Manitoba groups and those elsewhere in Canada, and to assist in curriculum revision, teacher training, and music-education research.

The MMEA strives to "facilitate the growth of music education in Manitoba and the professional development of its MMEA members." Its membership is composed of public and private music educators of Manitoba. The Manitoba Music Educator Newsletter was begun in 1959 and appeared annually until it ceased publication in 1974. The Manitoba Music Educator was established in 1960 and an online version was made available in 2004.

The MMEA sponsors regular provincial and regional conferences. The main organization is based in Winnipeg and there are two chapters, one regular and one student, in Brandon. The Brandon University Student Music Educators' Association began with Roberta Lamb as faculty adviser, and was officially approved in 1989. The MMEA affiliated with the Manitoba Teachers' Society in 1962 and with the CMEA in 1981 at the CMEA national convention in Winnipeg. The MMEA executive consists of 11 members elected for two-year terms. Two council meetings are held annually to assist and encourage liaison with other music-education groups.

The MMEA sponsors a variety of awards and competitions, including the Heidi Gillis Memorial Scholarship, awards for essays and musical compositions, and two scholarships to graduating students who intend to pursue their studies in music at a Manitoba college or university.