
Réservoir Gouin

Réservoir Gouin, 1570 km2, elev 404 m, max length 102 km, average depth 5 m, is a collection of hundreds of small lakes containing innumerable islands in south-central Québec, equidistant from Ottawa, Montréal and Québec City.

Gouin, Réservoir

Réservoir Gouin, 1570 km2, elev 404 m, max length 102 km, average depth 5 m, is a collection of hundreds of small lakes containing innumerable islands in south-central Québec, equidistant from Ottawa, Montréal and Québec City. It was created in 1918 at the upper reaches of Rivière SAINT-MAURICE by the Shawinigan Water and Power Company to facilitate power developments on the Rivière Saint-Maurice by controlling the flow of water. The reservoir was named after Sir Jean-Lomer GOUIN, premier of Québec 1905-20.