Anatole Côté (Primary Source) | The Canadian Encyclopedia

Memory Project

Anatole Côté (Primary Source)

This testimony is part of the Memory Project Archive

Anatole Côté served in the Royal Canadian Air Force during the Second World War. Read and listen to Anatole Côté’s testimony below.

Please be advised that Memory Project primary sources may deal with personal testimony that reflect the speaker’s recollections and interpretations of events. Individual testimony does not necessarily reflect the views of the Memory Project and Historica Canada.

Anatole Côté/The Memory Project
Anatole Côté/The Memory Project
Anatole Côté/The Memory Project
Anatole Côté/The Memory Project
Anatole Côté/The Memory Project
During the course of my stay, I was twice posted "Missing In Action". Once I had to bail out at night over Luxembourg, and the other time, I made a crash landing in northern Holland


During the war I joined the Royal Canadian Air Force, and after a period of training and a period as an instructor at St. Hubert Quebec, I was posted overseas, and after further training as a fighter pilot, I was assigned to a Typhoon Squadron of fighter bombers in Holland. During the course of my stay, I was twice posted "Missing In Action". Once I had to bail out at night over Luxembourg, and the other time, I made a crash landing in northern Holland. And I was ten weeks there hiding with the help of patriotic Dutchmen and eventually the area where we were was taken over by a British Guards Regiment. We were flown back, myself and four others, whom I had come into contact with during the course of my stay. And that was the end of the War for us, in fact the war actually ended about two or three weeks after we returned to England. So that's my story. When I came back to Canada and went back to Forestry Engineering, which was my occupation when I joined the RCAF.