Shirley Riddalls (source primaire) | l'Encyclopédie Canadienne

Project Mémoire

Shirley Riddalls (source primaire)

Ce témoignage fait partie de l’archive du Projet mémoire

Interview avec Shirley Riddalls.

Prenez note que les sources primaires du Projet Mémoire abordent des témoignages personnels qui reflètent les interprétations de l'orateur. Les témoignages ne reflètent pas nécessairement les opinions du Projet Mémoire ou de Historica Canada.

Shirley Ridalls
Shirley Ridalls
This photo shows the uniform that Nursing Sisters wore while they were overseas in field hospitals near conflict areas.
Shirley Ridalls
Shirley Ridalls
Shirley Ridalls
Left to right: Canadian Forces Decoration with bar; Commemorative medal from the Netherlands celebrating the 60th anniversary of liberation from Nazi occupation. The medal reads: Thank you Canada and Allied Forces.
Shirley Ridalls
Shirley Ridalls
Shirley Ridalls
This photo shows the uniform that Nursing Sisters wore while they worked in hospitals in England.
Shirley Ridalls
Shirley Ridalls
Shirley Ridalls
Ms. Ridalls visited the Memory Project Roadshow in Vancouver on December 5, 2005.
Shirley Ridalls

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