Project Mémoire

Interview with Joe Whiteley

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Interview with Joe Whiteley
Lewis Whiteley was 24 years old went he left for overseas to serve with the 13th Battalion.
Lewis Whiteley was 24 years old went he left for overseas to serve with the 13th Battalion.
Lewis Whiteley was 24 years old went he left for overseas to serve with the 13th Battalion.
Lewis Whiteley was 24 years old went he left for overseas to serve with the 13th Battalion.
Soldiers enjoying the canteen that offerred a bar and billiards.
Soldiers enjoying the canteen that offerred a bar and billiards.
Soldiers enjoying the canteen that offerred a bar and billiards.
Soldiers enjoying the canteen that offerred a bar and billiards.
Letter of thanks from King George V in recognition of Lewis' enlistment in military service.
Letter of thanks from King George V in recognition of Lewis' enlistment in military service.
Letter of thanks from King George V in recognition of Lewis' enlistment in military service.
Letter of thanks from King George V in recognition of Lewis' enlistment in military service.
Charles Whiteley, who went by his middle name, Lewis, before he left for overseas service in 1915.  Lewis Whiteley was killed in action on June 13, 1916.  Collection courtesy of J.D. Whiteley.
Charles Whiteley, who went by his middle name, Lewis, before he left for overseas service in 1915. Lewis Whiteley was killed in action on June 13, 1916. Collection courtesy of J.D. Whiteley.
Charles Whiteley, who went by his middle name, Lewis, before he left for overseas service in 1915. Lewis Whiteley was killed in action on June 13, 1916. Collection courtesy of J.D. Whiteley.
Charles Whiteley, who went by his middle name, Lewis, before he left for overseas service in 1915. Lewis Whiteley was killed in action on June 13, 1916. Collection courtesy of J.D. Whiteley.
Lewis (left) and his brother Joseph Forrest Whiteley.  Joseph also enlisted in Army but returned home after the war.
Lewis (left) and his brother Joseph Forrest Whiteley. Joseph also enlisted in Army but returned home after the war.
Lewis (left) and his brother Joseph Forrest Whiteley. Joseph also enlisted in Army but returned home after the war.
Lewis (left) and his brother Joseph Forrest Whiteley. Joseph also enlisted in Army but returned home after the war.
Lewis Whiteley and a friend from home in 1915.
Lewis Whiteley and a friend from home in 1915.
Lewis Whiteley and a friend from home in 1915.
Lewis Whiteley and a friend from home in 1915.

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